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in UPSC Prelims Challenge by (8.9k points)
  1. The TN-KET initiative began in April 2022 in all public healthcare facilities in Tamil Nadu.
  2. Nearly 70% of all TB deaths among notified TB patients take place in the first two months after diagnosis.
  3. The differentiated TB Care guidelines released by the Central TB Division in January 2021 requires comprehensive assessment of 16 clinical, laboratory and radiological parameters.
  4. Using only three conditions for preliminary assessment meant that people with severe TB illness needing immediate care were identified and admitted to a healthcare facility on the same day of diagnosis.

How many statements given above are correct?


(a)Only one statement

(b)Only two statements

(c)Only three statements

(d)All four statements

1 Answer

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by (6.1k points)

Answer: [Option (b)] Only two statements




The TN-KET initiative began in April 2022 in 2,500-odd public healthcare facilities that diagnosed TB in 30 districts, not in all public healthcare facilities in Tamil Nadu. Therefore, statement 1 is incorrect.

This statement 2 is correct.

The differentiated TB Care guidelines require comprehensive assessment of 16 clinical, laboratory and radiological parameters, not only three conditions. Therefore, statement 3 is incorrect.

This statement 4 is correct.

Therefore, only statements 2 and 4 are correct, making option (b) the correct answer.
