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in Old Prelims Solved Question Papers by (19.9k points)

Recently Karnataka Government has launched ('Ovitrap Basket'). Consider the following statements:

A. They are the special traps designed to attract and kill mosquitoes like Aedes.
B. It is a pot-shaped device filled with water and chemicals.
C. It was first launched in BBMP, Bangalore.
D. Electricity is required for functioning of the device.

Which of the above statements are wrong?
(1) B only
(2) C only
(3) C and D only
(4) None of the above

1 Answer

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by (19.9k points)

Correct Answer: (3) C and D only


  • Statement A: Correct. Ovitraps are specially designed traps used to attract and kill mosquitoes, particularly Aedes mosquitoes, which are carriers of diseases like dengue and chikungunya.

  • Statement B: Correct. The Ovitrap is a pot-shaped device that is filled with water and chemicals to attract mosquitoes to lay eggs, which are then destroyed.

  • Statement C: Incorrect. Ovitrap baskets may have been introduced across Karnataka, but there is no specific evidence to confirm that it was first launched in BBMP, Bangalore.

  • Statement D: Incorrect. Ovitraps do not require electricity for functioning. They are simple mechanical traps that work passively by attracting mosquitoes.

Final Analysis:

Statements C and D are wrong, making (3) C and D only the correct answer.

For further details, refer to announcements from the Karnataka government or health department websites (karunadu.karnataka.gov.in).
