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in CSE Mains Exam by (19.9k points)

1 Answer

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by (19.9k points)

Answer Outline 


Brief Context: The period from 1928 to 1947 was marked by diverging ideologies between the Indian National Congress (INC) and the Muslim League, influencing both the freedom struggle and the partition of India.

Thesis Statement: The answer aims to critically analyze these ideological divergences and assess their multifaceted impact on the independence movement and the subsequent partition.

Main Body

A. Divergence in Aims

Topic Sentence: INC and Muslim League differed significantly in their end goals.

Supporting Facts/Examples: INC's objective for a united, secular India clashed with Muslim League's Lahore Resolution in 1940 for a separate Muslim state.

Analysis: These opposing objectives escalated tensions and divided the national movement along communal lines.

B. Political Strategies

Topic Sentence: Both organizations employed divergent political strategies, further complicating the situation.

Supporting Facts/Examples: Contrast INC's Gandhian methods with the Muslim League's Direct Action Day.

Analysis: This led to increased polarization, making consensus on a united India difficult.

C. Leadership Dynamics

Topic Sentence: Leadership personalities also played a role in shaping divergent paths.

Supporting Facts/Examples: The leadership style of Nehru and Jinnah differed markedly.

Analysis: These differences in leadership reinforced ideological divisions and hindered possibilities of compromise.

D. Regional Factors

Topic Sentence: Regional politics and demands also influenced the ideological divergence.

Supporting Facts/Examples: INC had a more pan-Indian outlook while the Muslim League had a strong base in specific provinces like Bengal and Punjab.

Analysis: The regional dynamics complicated negotiations and fueled division.


Counter-Argument 1: The British "divide and rule" policy was primarily responsible for the divergence.

Rebuttal: Though British policies did play a role, the parties themselves entrenched divisions through their ideologies and strategies.

Counter-Argument 2: Both groups initially aimed for freedom from British rule.

Rebuttal: Their visions for post-independence India were fundamentally different, leading to an inevitable rift.

Counter-Argument 3: Other minority communities also had their grievances but didn't demand a separate state.

Rebuttal: The political clout and organized nature of the Muslim League made its demands more impactful, leading to a different outcome compared to other communities.


Summary: Ideological divergence between INC and Muslim League had lasting impacts, affecting the freedom movement and leading to the division of India.

Closing Statement: These divergences reveal the complexity of India's independence movement, providing critical insights into the socio-political landscape that emerged post-1947.
