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Analysis of the G20 Summit in New Delhi


The G20 Summit held in New Delhi was an event of great significance, both for India and for the world. Chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Summit took place amidst global crises such as the COVID19 pandemic, the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, and the escalating geopolitical tensions in the IndoPacific region. This analysis focuses on whether the G20 Summit was a success for global cooperation, its significance to India and the Global South, and the notable absences.

 Success for Global Cooperation

 New Delhi Declaration

The most significant outcome of the Summit was the New Delhi Declaration, which successfully bridged the ideological divide between the G7EU nations and the RussiaChina alliance. 


The Declaration made progress on various issues such as climate change, debt restructuring, and digital infrastructure. For the first time, there was consensus on the contentious issue of Ukraine, moving away from previous language that was critical of Russia.

 Inclusion of African Union

The Summit will also be remembered for India's role in bringing the African Union into the G20 fold. 


This is a landmark move that adds a voice from Africa, a continent often underrepresented in global forums, thus making the G20 more inclusive.

 Importance to India and the Global South

 Voice for the Global South

India utilized its presidency to amplify the voices of more than 125 countries of the Global South through a "feeder conference" held in January 2023.


This initiative was lauded by Amitabh Kant, India's G20 'Sherpa', stating that no other document has as strong a voice for the Global South as the New Delhi Declaration.

 Strengthening India’s International Standing

The successful conduct of the G20 Summit, termed as "India's moment", enhanced India's role in global politics. 


The scale of the event, with about 100,000 delegates participating in numerous meetings across 60 Indian cities, not only showcased India's organizational capacity but also strengthened its geopolitical influence.

 Absences and Implications

 Russia and China

The most notable absences were those of the Presidents of Russia and China. While their absence could be seen as a setback for India, it did pave the way for a less contentious summit.


The absence of these leaders did not deter the G20 from achieving a consensus on the New Delhi Declaration, indicating a diplomatic win for both Russia and China in the language of the outcome document.


The G20 Summit in New Delhi can largely be considered a success for global cooperation. India not only utilized its presidency to champion the issues of the Global South but also successfully managed to keep the focus on common goals despite geopolitical tensions. The event has significant implications for India’s role on the global stage, making it a landmark event in the nation’s diplomatic history.
