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in Current Affair Answer Writing Challenge by (7.3k points)
Outline for the Answer:

I. Introduction

   - Briefly explain the importance of committees in parliamentary work.

   - Introduce the role and significance of the Estimates Committee.

II. Role of Committees in Parliamentary Work

   A. Oversight and Accountability

      1. Committees help ensure transparency and accountability in government activities.

      2. They scrutinize the implementation of policies and programs.

      3. Committees hold the executive accountable for budgetary allocations and expenditures.

   B. In-depth Examination of Issues

      1. Committees provide a forum for detailed analysis and discussions on specific topics.

      2. They conduct in-depth inquiries and investigations on complex issues.

      3. Committees gather expert opinions and stakeholder feedback to make informed decisions.

   C. Legislative Review and Improvement

      1. Committees review proposed legislation and suggest amendments.

      2. They ensure that laws are comprehensive, effective, and aligned with national priorities.

      3. Committees help improve the quality of legislation through rigorous scrutiny.

III. The Estimates Committee: Overview and Purpose

   A. Introduction to the Estimates Committee

      1. Briefly explain the establishment and composition of the Estimates Committee.

      2. Mention its mandate to examine the budgetary allocations and expenditures of the government.

   B. Role and Functions of the Estimates Committee

      1. Detail the primary functions of the Estimates Committee, such as budget scrutiny.

      2. Explain how the committee reviews the estimates of expenditure presented in the Budget.

   C. Importance of the Estimates Committee

      1. Discuss the role of the committee in ensuring financial discipline and control.

      2. Explain how it helps prevent wasteful expenditure and promote optimal resource allocation.

IV. Effectiveness and Challenges of Committees

   A. Effectiveness of Committees

      1. Discuss the impact of committees in strengthening parliamentary democracy.

      2. Highlight specific instances where committee recommendations led to positive outcomes.

   B. Challenges Faced by Committees

      1. Explain the limitations faced by committees in terms of resources and time constraints.

      2. Discuss the challenges related to the implementation of committee recommendations.

V. Conclusion

   - Summarize the role of committees in enhancing parliamentary functioning.

   - Emphasize the significance of the Estimates Committee in ensuring effective financial oversight.

   - Conclude by stating that committees play a critical role in the functioning of the parliamentary system and contribute to better governance and policy outcomes.

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