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The concept of the Global South encompasses a group of nations primarily located in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. It represents countries that are often characterized as 'developing,' 'less developed,' or 'underdeveloped.' The term gained prominence after the breakup of the Soviet Union and has evolved to capture political, geopolitical, and economic commonalities among these nations. 

Definition and Scope of the Global South:

Refers to countries primarily located in Africa, Asia, and Latin America

Describes nations categorized as 'developing,' 'less developed,' or 'underdeveloped'

Represents a mix of political, geopolitical, and economic commonalities

Historical Background and Evolution of the Term:

Emerged after the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991

Replaced the term "Third World" due to its negative connotations

Coined by political activist Carl Oglesby in 1969

Shift from "Third World" to "Global South" to provide a more neutral-sounding term

Geopolitical and Economic Commonalities:

Countries in the Global South faced imperialism and colonial rule

Different outlook on the relationship between the center and periphery in the world political economy

Many nations in the Global South choose not to align with any one great power

Significance in the Current Global Scenario:

Plays a vital role in shaping international relations

Challenges traditional power dynamics

Increasing political and economic influence on the global stage

Shift in wealth from the North Atlantic to the Asia Pacific region

Challenging Power Dynamics and Shifting Global Balance:

Rise of China and India as major global players

Projected dominance of Global South economies by 2030

Discussions about an "Asian Century" and a "post-Western world"

Offers opportunities for greater collaboration and cooperation among nations


The Global South has emerged as a powerful force in the international arena, challenging traditional power dynamics and shaping the global political and economic landscape. Through shared experiences, geopolitical alignments, and economic growth, countries in the Global South are asserting themselves on the global stage. The shift in wealth from the North Atlantic to the Asia Pacific region and the projected dominance of Global South economies highlight the changing global balance of power. As the Global South gains political and economic influence, there are opportunities for greater collaboration, cooperation, and the emergence of a more balanced and inclusive global order.
