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in CSE Mains Exam by (7.3k points)

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by (4.9k points)



Abortion rights for unmarried women in India have been a topic of debate and controversy.

In September 2022, the Supreme Court of India passed a judgment stating that unmarried women have the right to terminate their pregnancies up to 24 weeks.


Challenges faced by unmarried women seeking abortions in India:


Lack of clear guidance in the Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act: The MTP Act has not yet been amended to reflect the Supreme Court's ruling, which means that some hospitals and doctors may be hesitant to provide abortions to unmarried women.

Stigma and discrimination: Unmarried women seeking abortions may face judgment or ostracization from their families or society, which can make it difficult for them to access the support and care they need.


Potential solutions:


Amend the MTP Act: By amending the MTP Act to clearly reflect the Supreme Court's ruling, the government can provide more explicit guidance for hospitals and doctors and reduce the risk of prosecution for those who provide abortions to unmarried women.

Increase awareness: Educational campaigns and outreach programs can inform women about their options and where they can go to receive care, and help to reduce stigma and discrimination surrounding abortion.




It is important to address the challenges that unmarried women in India may face when seeking abortions in order to ensure that all women have access to safe and legal reproductive healthcare services.

By amending the MTP Act and increasing awareness about the rights of unmarried women to access abortion, we can work towards a more equitable and supportive environment for women in India.
