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in UPSC Prelims Challenge by (7.3k points)

The concept of Stupa is Buddhist in origin.

Stupa was generally a repository of relics.

Stupa was a votive and commemorative structure in Buddhist tradition.

How many of the statements given above are correct?

(a) Only one

(b) Only two

(c) All three

(d) None

1 Answer

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by (7.3k points)

(c)All three statements given above are correct.

The concept of Stupa is Buddhist in origin: The Stupa is indeed a Buddhist concept. It originated in ancient India and became a significant architectural form in Buddhism. Stupas were used to enshrine relics or sacred objects associated with the Buddha or revered Buddhist monks.

Stupa was generally a repository of relics: This statement is also correct. Stupas were primarily constructed as reliquaries, serving as repositories for sacred relics. The relics could include the bodily remains of the Buddha, such as bones or ashes, or objects associated with the Buddha or enlightened beings.

Stupa was a votive and commemorative structure in the Buddhist tradition: This statement is also accurate. Stupas served as votive structures, meaning they were constructed as acts of devotion and reverence. They were also commemorative structures, built to honor significant events or individuals in Buddhist history.

Authenticative reference source:

"The Stupa: Sacred Symbol of Enlightenment" by Adrian Snodgrass. This book provides an in-depth exploration of the history, symbolism, and significance of stupas in Buddhism. It offers a comprehensive understanding of the origin, purpose, and various aspects related to stupas in ancient India and Buddhist traditions.
