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in UPSC Prelims Challenge by (4.9k points)

(a) Plants do not exhibit visual symptoms of deficiency due to the short supply of particular nutrients but will result in yield losses.

(b) A growth movement in response to gravity.

(c) A chemical used for killing or inhibiting the growth of unwanted plants.

(d) The condition where plants require intense light for normal development.

1 Answer

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by (4.9k points)

Answer: (a) Plants do not exhibit visual symptoms of deficiency due to the short supply of particular nutrients but will result in yield losses.


Explanation: Hidden hunger is a condition where plants or humans suffer from a lack of essential micronutrients, but do not exhibit any visible symptoms of deficiency. Option (a) correctly describes hidden hunger, while the other options do not. Option (b) describes gravitropism, option (c) describes herbicides, and option (d) describes photomorphogenesis.
