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in Writing Skills by (19.9k points)
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  1. "Technology is not a luxury; but a tool for inclusive development." Examine the role of Digital India in transforming governance and society. [125 Marks]
  2. Discuss the role of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in regulating India's monetary policy. How has it contributed to economic stability? [125 Marks]
  3. Evaluate the effectiveness of India's foreign trade policies in promoting exports and reducing trade deficits. [125 Marks]
  4. Discuss the challenges of achieving universal healthcare in India. How and when can India ensure "Health for All"? Elucidate. [125 Marks]
  5. Analyze the issues associated with linguistic diversity in India with their historical background. [125 Marks]
  6. Sustainable groundwater management is essential for water security. Critically examine the statement with reference to Karnataka. [125 Marks]
  7. Industrialization and environmental sustainability must go hand in hand. Critically analyze the impact of industrial expansion on Karnataka’s ecosystem [125 Marks]
  8. The issue of separate statehood for North Karnataka has been a subject of debate due to developmental disparities. Should Karnataka be bifurcated for better governance? Debate the issue based on constitutional provisions, historical precedents, governance efficiency, and socio-political consequences.[125 Marks]
  9. Recently, the Government of Karnataka has proposed internal reservation within Scheduled Castes (SC) and reconsideration of Scheduled Tribe (ST) status for certain backward communities. Analyze the statement in the context of the constitutional framework, legal provisions, historical background, recommendations of appointed committees, and socio-political implications.    [125 Marks]
  10. Growth of Karnataka as a major hub for Information Technology, Biotechnology, Aerospace, and Manufacturing owes much to its infrastructure as well as research ecosystem – Elucidate. [125 Marks]

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