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in DO You Know This? by (5.2k points)

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by (5.2k points)
The Bru tribal community is an ethnic group mainly inhabiting the northeastern Indian states of Tripura, Mizoram, and Assam. They are also known as the Reang tribe and are one of the 21 scheduled tribes of Tripura. The community has faced displacement and violence due to ethnic conflicts with the Mizo community in Mizoram, leading to many members of the Bru community being forced to flee to Tripura and live in relief camps for over two decades.

In January 2020, the Bru-Reang agreement was signed between the Government of India, the Governments of Tripura and Mizoram, and Bru-Reang representatives, which aimed to provide a permanent settlement to the Bru community in Tripura and provide them with various rights and benefits. The settlement process is ongoing, and the community is currently fighting for their identity to be recognized and for their settlement to be named as Bruhapara.

The Bru community practices both Hinduism and Christianity, and their main source of livelihood is agriculture. They have a unique culture, language, and customs, which they are striving to preserve and promote.