Which option correctly defines the following?
When two hurricanes spinning in the same direction pass close enough to each other, they begin an intense dance around their common center. If one hurricane is a lot stronger than the other, the smaller one will orbit it and eventually come crashing into its vortex to be absorbed. Two storms closer in strength can gravitate towards each other until they reach a common point and merge, or merely spin each other around for a while before shooting off on their own paths.
- Kessler Syndrome
- Fujiwhara Effect
- Medicanes
- El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
Correct Answer: 2. Fujiwhara Effect
The Fujiwhara Effect occurs when two cyclones or hurricanes come close enough to interact gravitationally, spinning around a common center. If one cyclone is significantly stronger, it can absorb the smaller one. This phenomenon is named after Dr. Sakuhei Fujiwhara, a Japanese meteorologist who first described this interaction.