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ago in Ethics,Aptitude and Integrity by (15.7k points)

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ago by (15.7k points)

KPSC 2018

"My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness," says His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. Elaborate the values that can be inculcated from his life and teachings. [20 Marks]

Explain the principles of corporate governance and discuss about any three Indian companies in relation to their best corporate practices. [20 Marks]

Some employees in an organization have found that their organization is engaged in illegal activities, which they personally disapprove. Should they blow the whistle? Or should they follow orders from the top officials? Suggest measures to resolve such ethical dilemmas. [20 Marks]

Explain the role of family, society, and educational institutions in inculcating values. [20 Marks]

Critically explain integrity, impartiality, and its significant role with reference to public administration. [10 Marks]

Critically evaluate dedication for economically weaker sections in the context of women upliftment. [10 Marks]

Differentiate between the value of impartiality and non-partisanship in public administration. [15 Marks]

Explain the values of tolerance, impartiality, and objectivity in the religious context. [15 Marks]

Critically analyze the concept of dedication and objectivity in public administration. [15 Marks]

You are an officer in charge of authenticating the documents of people who lost their life support in a natural disaster. An illiterate senior citizen comes to meet you one day anticipating your support in getting the benefit proclaimed by the Government. After verifying the papers produced by him, you understand that they are not the documents as expected to be a beneficiary. You are not ready to reject his request because in reality he has no support for survival other than what he has lost in the disaster. This leads to a conflicting situation of either supporting him or not. How do you resolve this situation? Explain. [20 Marks]

Explain attitude and its structure. Describe the main component models of attitude. [10 Marks]

Explain political attitudes and the factors influencing political attitudes. [10 Marks]

What is persuasion? How can attitudes be changed using messages? [10 Marks]

Explain social influence by demand. [15 Marks]

What are the administrative problems faced by people? How do you overcome these problems through effective administration? [20 Marks]

What is emotional intelligence? Explain the utilities and applications of emotional intelligence in administration and governance. [20 Marks]

KPSC 2015

Critically consider the essence, determinants, and consequences of human action with reference to J.S. Mill's Act Utilitarianism, Charvaka, and Karmayoga. [20 Marks]

Write a note about ethical dilemmas in government and private institutions. [15 Marks]

Critically analyze the ethical issues in International Relations. [15 Marks]

What is the objective of the Right to Information Act? Evaluate the ethics underlying the provisions of this Act. [20 Marks]

Elucidate the human values and their types with special reference to Patanjali’s classification of virtues. [15 Marks]

Explain integrity. Describe different types and significance of integrity. Describe how an individual can achieve personal integrity. [15 Marks]

What is the difference between empathy, sympathy, and compassion? Describe empathetic behavior at work. [15 Marks]

Explain tolerance and compassion in the Indian context. How effectively can tolerance and compassion be used by the respective authority in the process of decision-making in public administration? [15 Marks]

Explain the factors which determine an employee’s dedication to public service. [15 Marks]

Explain what is impartiality, non-partisanship, and objectivity in the context of public service. How can impartiality and objectivity be practiced by a civil servant for the upliftment of weaker sections? [20 Marks]

Explain the fundamental values of civil services. [20 Marks]

Explain social influence as a fundamental feature of communication. [15 Marks]

What are the cognitive approaches to persuasion? [15 Marks]

Explain dissonance and the less-leads-to-more effect. [15 Marks]

What is emotional intelligence? Explain its major components. [20 Marks]

KPSC 2014

Explain public service reforms and the need for reforms in India. [12.5 Marks]

Critically analyze the need for ethical civil service code. [12.5 Marks]

Discuss social influence on public service. [12.5 Marks]

Explain the relationship between social influence and persuasion. [12.5 Marks]

Differentiate Gandhian concepts of Socialism from the Marxian concept of Socialism. [12.5 Marks]

Trace the origin of the Swadeshi movement and its influence on the attitude of people in India. [12.5 Marks]

Explain the essence of ethics in private and public relationships. [12.5 Marks]

Appropriate utilization of public funds and challenges of corruption are burning issues at present in public administration. Critically evaluate. [12.5 Marks]

Describe lessons from the lives and teachings of great leaders that help inculcate human values with suitable illustrations. [12.5 Marks]

Delineate the role of integrity and impartiality in public administration. [12.5 Marks]

Explain the effect of values and their relation to thoughts and behavior of the Administrator. [12.5 Marks]

Give suitable suggestions for strengthening ethical and moral values in governance. [12.5 Marks]

Evaluate laws, rules, and regulations as a conscience and source of ethical guidance. [12.5 Marks]

Explain the determinants and consequences of ethics in human action with suitable examples. [12.5 Marks]

Explain the importance of accountability and ethical governance in public administration. [12.5 Marks]

Describe codes of conduct and the quality of service delivery as key elements in the current governance scenario. [12.5 Marks]

Write a note on reformers and administrators who are role models for inculcating values. [12.5 Marks]

Aptitude and fundamental rules are essential concepts of civil service. Critically evaluate. [12.5 Marks]

Explain the essentials of information sharing and the citizen charter in public service. [12.5 Marks]

In public administration, tolerance and compassion towards weaker sections aid better governance. Evaluate with suitable examples. [12.5 Marks]