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ago in Science and Technology by (15.7k points)

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ago by (15.7k points)

KPSC 2018

Discuss the role of science and technology in helping farmers boost their productivity and income.

(Not more than 150 words)

Discuss the impact of big data in businesses.

(Not more than 150 words)

What is Digital Divide? Discuss the causes and aspects of the digital divide.

(Not more than 250 words)

Write about Railwire Wi-Fi and Railtel. Explain the significance of Railwire Wi-Fi.

(Not more than 250 words)

Briefly explain the measures and remedies taken by the government to control pollution.

(Not more than 150 words)

Explain the major drivers for the development and deployment of new and renewable energy in India.

(Not more than 150 words)

What is disaster? Critically explain the causes and consequences of natural and man-made disasters.

(Not more than 250 words)

What are vaccines? Explain the advantages and disadvantages of DNA vaccines.

(Not more than 150 words)

What is the Blue Revolution? Discuss its features and outcomes in enhancing food production.

(Not more than 250 words)

Critically evaluate the role of the Karnataka Milk Federation (KMF) in strengthening the rural economy in Karnataka.

(Not more than 250 words)

Briefly explain the importance of agriculture in the Indian economy and mention the scope of agriculture in India.

(Not more than 150 words)

Mention the methods of agricultural price stabilization. Briefly describe the price policies in India to stabilize agricultural prices, along with their objectives, and illustrate the current method of calculating Minimum Support Price (MSP) by CACP.

(Not more than 150 words)

Differentiate between manures and fertilizers with suitable examples and briefly describe the classification of nitrogenous fertilizers based on the form of nitrogen present.

(Not more than 250 words)

What is a watershed? Highlight the importance of watersheds in conserving natural resources.

(Not more than 150 words)

Explain the conventional methods of municipal wastewater treatment. Add a note on the uses of treated wastewater.

(Not more than 150 words)

Explain waste-based energy. Give an account of recently developed biomass-based energy technology for sustainable development.

(Not more than 150 words)

What are the primary and secondary air pollutants? Explain the human health problems caused by air pollution. Add a note on air pollution in New Delhi.

(Not more than 250 words)

Delineate Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) and write its importance.

(Not more than 150 words)

Define keystone species. Discuss the importance of keystone species in conservation biology.

(Not more than 150 words)

What are Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs)? Discuss IPRs and their implications on forestry and allied sectors in India, with suitable illustrations.

(Not more than 150 words)

Describe the role of NGOs in Joint Forest Management (JFM), with special reference to biodiversity conservation. Justify with suitable examples.

(Not more than 250 words)

KPSC 2015

What are the types of Government interactions in e-Governance in India?

(12 Marks)

What is the INSAT programme? Explain the different satellites launched under the INSAT programme.

(12 Marks)

Write a note about Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) and its objectives. What are the action plans taken by the Government of India to achieve these objectives? Give the details of the solar energy scenario of Karnataka.

(12 Marks)

What is bioremediation? Explain the different biotechnological methods and approaches for the control of pollution in the environment.

(12 Marks)

Bring out various issues involved in the supply of drinking water in India. Add a note on drinking water quality standards.

(12 Marks)

What is the difference between gender equity and gender equality? Why is it important to take gender concerns into account in programme design and implementation?

(12 Marks)

What are the differences between the first, second, and third generations of biofuels? Why are the first and second generation biofuels seen as a threat to food security? How do third generation biofuels manage to address these problems?

(12 Marks)

What are microorganisms, and how are they classified? Give a detailed note on the harmful and useful aspects of microorganisms.

(12 Marks)

Explain the difference between vermicompost and vermiculture. What are the limitations of upgrading vermiculture in India?

(12 Marks)

What is sericulture? Write a brief note about different silkworms reared in India, their cocoons, geographical distribution, and their host plants.

(12 Marks)

What are Genetically Engineered (GE) crops? What are the goals of Genetic Engineering (GE)? How are biotech crops and foods assured for safety?

(12 Marks)

(a) List the important economic characteristics of sheep breeds of Karnataka.

(b) What are the advantages of stall-fed goat farming?

(7+5 = 12 Marks)

Write a note about the Karnataka Agricultural Price Commission.

(12 Marks)

On World Tuberculosis Day (24th March 2016), Bedaquiline—a new drug for drug-resistant TB—was launched in India as part of the national programme. Discuss.

(12 Marks)

Compare and contrast between National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries. List any five important National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries of India. Briefly explain the salient features of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.

(12 Marks)

Define rainwater harvesting. Why does rainwater need to be harvested? Explain the basic components of the rainwater harvesting system. List some traditional methods of rainwater harvesting.

(12 Marks)

Write about the causes of the loss of biodiversity. Write about the International Red Data Book and give an account of the categories of threatened species.

(12 Marks)

What are the characteristics and types of solid waste? Write a critical note on the problem of solid waste management, focusing on Bengaluru metropolitan city.

(12 Marks)

Discuss the possible ecological impacts of the river linking project in India.

(12 Marks)

With suitable examples, describe human perturbations to the global carbon cycle.

(12 Marks)

Explain the difference between chlorofluorocarbon (CFC), hydrofluorocarbon (HFC), and the significance of the Kigali Agreement.

(10 Marks)

KPSC 2014

Define 'Global Warming' and explain its effects. [12½ Marks]

Discuss the precautionary measures to reduce CFCs in the environment. [12½ Marks]

Discuss the role of Civil Society in forest management and its sustainable development. [12½ Marks]

Discuss the importance of hotspot biodiversity and its development. [12½ Marks]

Describe the role of information technology on human health. [12½ Marks]

Write a note on the sustainable development of water resources. [12½ Marks]

Write a note on the important five National Parks in Karnataka and indicate their location in respective districts. [12½ Marks]

Write a note on HIV/AIDS and its control measures. [12½ Marks]

Distinguish between polar and equatorial orbits of artificial satellites. Which of the above two orbits is suitable for:

(i) Geostationary satellite

(ii) Satellite used for weather forecasting? [12½ Marks]

Describe the role of fungi in medicine, agriculture, and industry. [12½ Marks]

Explain the term recombinant DNA. Write a note on the applications of recombinant DNA technology (RDT). [12½ Marks]

What are renewable and non-renewable resources? How are they depleted and protected? [12½ Marks]

What is package technology or Green Revolution? Enumerate whether this revolution has helped Indian agriculture after independence. [12½ Marks]

Discuss in brief the Farmers' welfare programmes in India. [12½ Marks]

Write about the development of Sericulture practice in Karnataka. [12½ Marks]

Discuss in detail post-harvest technology and value addition in agricultural crops. [12½ Marks]

Describe greenhouse cultivation. [12½ Marks]

Write in detail about the national watershed development program. [12½ Marks]

Critically comment on the endangered species in the Western Ghats. [12½ Marks]

What is the Red List, and why is it important to notify the list? [12½ Marks]