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ago in Polity by (15.7k points)

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ago by (15.7k points)

KPSC 2018

"Human Migration is continuous." Elucidate the statement with different causes of migration.

(Not more than 150 words)

List and explain the different types of tides and the theories of their origin.

(Not more than 150 words)

Explain the distribution and production of Bauxite in India.

(Not more than 150 words)

Explain land utilization in Karnataka.

(Not more than 150 words)

List and explain the industrial regions of India.

(Not more than 250 words)

Discuss the importance of the transportation system in Karnataka.

(Not more than 250 words)

Explain the mechanism of monsoons in India.

(Not more than 250 words)

Examine the limitations in amending any part of the constitution.

(Not more than 150 words)

Explain the scope of freedom of trade, commerce, and intercourse under Article 301 of the Constitution of India.

(Not more than 150 words)

Explain the concept of Right to Privacy as a fundamental right in the light of the judgment of the Supreme Court in K.S. Puttaswamy vs. Union of India.

(Not more than 150 words)

"Rights and duties are closely related and cannot be separated from one another." In the light of the above statement, discuss the importance of fundamental duties outlined in Part IVA of the Indian Constitution.

(Not more than 150 words)

Explain the concept of 'Public Interest Litigation' (PIL) and discuss how it has helped in achieving social justice with the help of decided cases.

(Not more than 150 words)

What is the Preamble of the Indian Constitution? Discuss the golden goals outlined in the Preamble of the Indian Constitution.

(Not more than 250 words)

What is a Money Bill? Explain the legislative procedure regarding ordinary bills and Money Bills.

(Not more than 250 words)

"The U.N. General Assembly is like a world Parliament." Examine the powers and functions of the General Assembly of the United Nations.

(Not more than 150 words)

Explain the role of India in achieving the aims and objectives of SAARC.

(Not more than 250 words)

Discuss the core characteristics and features of New Public Management (NPM).

(Not more than 250 words)

What are the differences between Administration and Management?

(Not more than 250 words)

Mention the role of central agencies in maintaining law and order.

(Not more than 250 words)

"Responsive Administration is a key to Good Governance." Do you agree with this statement? Elucidate. What are the chief components of Responsive Administration?

(Not more than 250 words)

KPSC 2015

Explain the landforms produced due to fluvial erosion.

(12 Marks)

Discuss the broad racial groups of the world with suitable examples.

(12 Marks)

Give a geographical account of oilseeds in India.

(12 Marks)

Explain the importance of hill area development and tribal area development in Regional Planning.

(12 Marks)

Explain the trend and pattern of urbanization in Karnataka.

(12 Marks)

Write critically on the shortage of electric power in Karnataka and the challenges to ensure its availability.

(12 Marks)

Discuss the major agroclimatic regions of Karnataka with their major crops.

(12 Marks)

Discuss the religious, cultural, and educational rights provided under the Indian Constitutional law.

(12 Marks)

"The powers and functions of the Governor of Indian States resemble those of the President of the Union Government." Comment.

(12 Marks)

Explain the powers of the Parliament on State subjects.

(12 Marks)

Discuss the appointment, term, duties, and powers of the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India.

(12 Marks)

"The power of delegation by the Parliament and State Legislature to their executives is made with suitable restrictions." Discuss.

(12 Marks)

Discuss the effect of the 42nd and 44th Amendments on the basic structure of the Indian Constitution. Explain the principles laid down in the Minerva Mills case by the Supreme Court of India.

(12 Marks)

Which welfare mechanisms are implemented by the government in accordance with the Directive Principles of State Policy?

(12 Marks)

Confirm the role of the Home Department in maintaining the law and order situation in the state.

(12 Marks)

Discuss the factors leading to the emergence of new public administration.

(12 Marks)

What is the major criticism of Herzberg’s two-factor theory of motivation? Do you think it contributes to a better understanding of motivation in the workplace? Defend your answer.

(12 Marks)

Write a note on the Balwantrai Mehta Committee.

(10 Marks)

Write short notes on the following:

(4+4+4=12 Marks)

a) Fishbone diagram

b) Pareto Chart

c) Performance appraisal

Mention the recommendations of the second Administrative Reforms Commission (ARC).

(12 Marks)

Enumerate the achievements of the International Labour Organisation in promoting labour welfare in Asiatic countries during the last twenty years.

(12 Marks)

KPSC 2014

Critically analyze the discretionary powers of the Governor.

(12½ Marks)

The constitution of India provides a strong Central Government and weak States. Discuss.

(12½ Marks)

Explain the process of urbanization with special reference to India.

(12½ Marks)

Write the salient features of urban fringe.

(12½ Marks)

Summarize the factors influencing the distribution of ocean salinity.

(12½ Marks)

Narrate the bases for human racial classification.

(12½ Marks)

Elucidate the factors influencing the distribution of population.

(12½ Marks)

Explain the powers and functions of the Election Commission.

(12½ Marks)

Explain the socialistic principles of the directive principles of state policy.

(12½ Marks)

"National Development Council is a super cabinet." Examine.

(12½ Marks)

Bring out the relationship between Ministers and Civil Services in administering the affairs of welfare states.

(12½ Marks)

Briefly explain the different types of communication.

(12½ Marks)

Explain the significance of the planning process in decision-making and evaluate the components of a plan.

(12½ Marks)

Critically evaluate the problems associated with the delegation of authority. Suggest guidelines for effective delegation.

(12½ Marks)

"Leadership is situational." In the light of this statement, discuss the various theories of leadership in brief.

(12½ Marks)

Give an analysis of soft reformative techniques of monitoring and evaluation in the field of public administration.

(12½ Marks)

Have the welfare measures implemented by the Government of India from time to time reformed the condition of SC/ST and women practically?

(12½ Marks)

"General legislation protects individual freedom against legislative despotism." Discuss.

(12½ Marks)

Distinguish between 'Formal and Informal Organization'. What are the benefits and problems associated with Informal Organization?

(12½ Marks)

Explain the recent trends in industrial production in Karnataka.

(12½ Marks)