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ago in History by (15.7k points)

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KPSC 2018

Explain Ashoka's concept of Dhamma.

(Not more than 150 words)

Discuss the British Land Revenue System in Bengal.

(Not more than 150 words)

"Raja Ram Mohan Roy inaugurated the modern age of Indian history." Discuss.

(Not more than 150 words)

Discuss the cultural contributions of the Pallavas to the nation.

(Not more than 150 words)

The Ancient Indians showed insatiable curiosity in science and technology, and their contribution to astronomy is immense. Discuss.

(Not more than 250 words)

The Mughal art and architecture under Akbar was a happy synthesis of Islamic and Hindu art traditions and elements. Discuss.

(Not more than 250 words)

The part played by Karnataka in the "Quit India Movement" was unique. Comment.

(Not more than 250 words)

Discuss the deterministic theory of social change.

(Not more than 150 words)

Discuss the different development programs aimed at the reconstruction of rural social life.

(Not more than 150 words)

Explain the concept of Sanskritization.

(Not more than 150 words)

Discuss the factors responsible for changing the status of women.

(Not more than 150 words)

Is the defective system of Indian education an indicator of youth unrest? Analyze.

(Not more than 150 words)

Social policy (legislation) brings social change. Discuss.

(Not more than 250 words)

What is modernization? Explain the factors responsible for the process of modernization.

(Not more than 250 words)

How can the Digital India Programme help farmers improve farm productivity and income? What are the steps taken by the government in this regard?

(Not more than 150 words)

How does 'PURA' help in rural economic development? Discuss.

(Not more than 150 words)

Explain the defects of the agricultural market in Karnataka.

(Not more than 150 words)

Explain the importance of socio-economic infrastructure in Karnataka.

(Not more than 150 words)

The nature of economic growth in India in recent times is often described as 'jobless growth.' Do you agree with this view? Give arguments in favor of your answer.

(Not more than 250 words)

Describe the importance of small-scale industries in the Indian rural economy.

(Not more than 250 words)

The Green Revolution aimed to achieve self-reliance in food production. Analyze.

(Not more than 250 words)

KPSC 2015

Explain the difference between the Indus Civilization and Vedic Civilization.

(12 Marks)

How did Sir Syed Ahmed Khan articulate the identity and existential issues of Muslims in India?

(12 Marks)

Write a note on the Kailasanatha Temple and Dashavatar Cave architecture of the Rashtrakutas.

(12 Marks)

Explain the foreign policy of Aliya Ramaraya and write a brief note on its effects.

(12 Marks)

Discuss the economic development of Mysore under Diwan Mirza Ismail.

(12 Marks)

Describe the importance of the 1946 Unification Conference.

(12 Marks)

Explain the importance of the Belgaum Congress Session.

(12 Marks)

Do you consider the LG Havanur Committee report as a Bible for the backward class in Karnataka? Discuss.

(12 Marks)

What is a social movement? Bring out two important features of social movements.

(12 Marks)

Describe the concept of Role and Role Conflict. Discuss the nature and extent of role conflict among working women in India.

(12 Marks)

Explain the limitations on the power of the State Legislature.

(12 Marks)

Discuss the role of the Punchhi Commission Report concerning federal restructuring in India, with special reference to the autonomy claimed by states.

(12 Marks)

What is a market economy? Discuss the social consequences of a market economy.

(12 Marks)

What is bonded labor? Explain the constitutional safeguards against this practice.

(12 Marks)

Examine the factors that led to India’s industrial deceleration in the 1960s.

(12 Marks)

Enumerate the effect of the depreciation of the rupee on India’s Balance of Payments (BoP).

(12 Marks)

Explain the initiatives of the Government of Karnataka to implement the recommendations of the Nanjundappa Committee.

(12 Marks)

Discuss the policy initiatives to strengthen decentralized planning processes in Karnataka.

(12 Marks)

Critically assess the prominent export items of Karnataka. What are the important measures taken by the Government of Karnataka to promote exports?

(12 Marks)

Discuss the rural sanitation initiatives in Karnataka.

(12 Marks)

Analyze the foreign exchange reserves of a country (in million US dollars) from 1991–1992 to 1998–1999 based on the bar graph provided.

(3+4+3 Marks)

a) What was the percentage increase in the foreign exchange reserves in 1997-98 over 1993-94?

b) The foreign exchange reserves in 1996–97 were approximately what percent of the average foreign exchange reserves over the period 1991–92 to 1998–99?

c) For which year is the percent increase in the foreign exchange reserve over the previous year the highest?

KPSC 2014

Discuss the ideas which the Satya Shodhak Samaj articulated and how it built a movement to empower the underprivileged classes.

(12½ Marks)

Explain the meaning and nature of total revolution and highlight its significance in the socio-political life of contemporary India.

(12½ Marks)

Explain the main features of sculpture art during the Rashtrakuta period.

(12½ Marks)

What do you think were the causes for the rise of Sufism in Karnataka?

(12½ Marks)

Write about the importance of the backward class struggle in the Karnataka Independence movement.

(12½ Marks)

Examine the bearings of the Jajmani system on traditional rural society in India and the changes that have influenced the Jajmani system.

(12½ Marks)

Describe the different stages of the unification of Karnataka from 1916 to 1956.

(12½ Marks)

Elucidate the favorable factors responsible for the upliftment of women's status in modern India.

(12½ Marks)

Explain the nature of the Indian party system.

(12½ Marks)

Discuss the broad features of financial relations between the union and the states in India.

(12½ Marks)

Discuss the 74th Constitutional Amendment related to urban local governments.

(12½ Marks)

Define economic development and discuss the impact of social determinants on economic development.

(12½ Marks)

Explain the role of Panchayati Raj in changing the traditional power structure in rural India.

(12½ Marks)

Discuss the growth of Karnataka's economy during the plan era.

(12½ Marks)

Critically examine India's balance of payment trends during 1950-2005 and explain the phase of crisis during 1990-92.

(12½ Marks)

Critically evaluate India's trade policy of "Import Liberalization for Export Promotion."

(12½ Marks)

What are the major objectives of the Special Development Plan (SDP) introduced by the Government of Karnataka to reduce regional imbalances? Critically examine the implementation of SDP.

(12½ Marks)

"India's economic development in recent years is services sector-led." Justify.

(12½ Marks)

High cholesterol levels in the blood have been associated with an increased risk of heart attack and diet seems to affect cholesterol levels. Researchers have found that fats with higher percentages,of monounsaturated fatty acids reduce the cholesterol level in the blood. The following is the breakdown for some common oils.

(12½ Marks)

Construct a bar chart showing the percentage of monounsaturates in the six oils. Also prepare a pie chart showing the breakdown of olive oil into the three kinds of fatty acids. Comment based on the bar and pie charts.  

A cricket team of eleven cricketers is to be formed from sixteen cricketers.

These sixteen cricketers include five bowlers and two wicketkeepers.

Find the number of ways a team can be chosen if:

(a) There are exactly three bowlers and one wicketkeeper.


(b) There are three bowlers and at least one wicketkeeper.

(12½ Marks)