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in Old Prelims Solved Question Papers by (15.2k points)
56. Which of the following statements are correct with reference to ‘Mission LiFE’ (Lifestyle for Environment)?

(a) It was announced during the UNFCCC conference of parties (COP-27) held in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.

(b) A pavilion was set up by India at the COP-27 on the theme of Mission LiFE.

(c) National Museum of Natural History and UNDP have jointly launched "In Our LIFETIME" campaign for youth between 18-28 years of age to become change bearers for a sustainable lifestyle.

(d) Mission LiFE covers three phases and seven themes.


(a), (b), (c) and (d)

(a) and (c) only

(b) and (d) only

(a) and (d) only

The correct answer is:

1. (a), (b), (c) and (d)


Correct Statements about Mission LiFE:

(a) It was announced during the UNFCCC conference of parties (COP-27) held in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.

This statement is correct. Mission LiFE was officially announced at COP-27, which took place in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.

(b) A pavilion was set up by India at the COP-27 on the theme of Mission LiFE.

This statement is correct. India did set up a pavilion at COP-27 focusing on Mission LiFE.

(c) National Museum of Natural History and UNDP have jointly launched "In Our LIFETIME" campaign for youth between 18-28 years of age to become change bearers for a sustainable lifestyle.

This statement is correct. The "In Our LIFETIME" campaign is indeed a joint initiative by the National Museum of Natural History and UNDP.

(d) Mission LiFE covers three phases and seven themes.

Structure: Mission LiFE includes three phases and focuses on seven themes related to sustainability and environmental stewardship.

All four statements are correct, making the correct answer (a), (b), (c) and (d).

For more detailed information, you can visit the UNFCCC COP-27 page or the Indian Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change website.

57. Which of the following statements are correct with reference to Eco Sensitive Zone (ESZ) around the protected areas (national park, wildlife sanctuaries, etc.)?

(a) They are declared as per the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 and Rules.

(b) No new commercial construction of any kind is permitted within 1 km from the boundary of the protected area or up to the extent of ESZ, whichever is nearer.

(c) Setting up of new saw mill is prohibited activity within the eco-sensitive zone.

(d) National Board of Wildlife (NBWL) is empowered to permit any prohibited activity within the ESZ.


(a), (b) and (c) only

(b), (c) and (d) only

(b) and (c) only

(a) and (d)

The correct answer is:

3. (b) and (c) only


Statement (a) is incorrect: Eco-Sensitive Zones (ESZs) are not declared under the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972. They are declared by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.

Statement (b) is correct: As per the guidelines, no new commercial construction is generally permitted within 1 km from the boundary of the protected area or up to the extent of the Eco-Sensitive Zone, whichever is lesser.

Statement (c) is correct: The setting up of new saw mills is a prohibited activity within the Eco-Sensitive Zones.

Statement (d) is incorrect: The National Board of Wildlife (NBWL) is not empowered to permit prohibited activities within the ESZ. Such activities are governed by the specific guidelines for ESZs and the approval processes under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.

So, the correct statements are (b) and (c) only.

58. If A is C's mother and D is B's son, E is A's sister, C is D's sister, then how is B related to E?






Answer: (2) Brother-in-law

Explanation: The question requires understanding family relationships. If C is D's sister and A is C's mother, then B, being D's parent, is the spouse of A. Therefore, E, who is A's sister, would be B's sister-in-law.

59. If % means division, @ means addition, # means subtraction, * means multiplication, then find the value of 21 % 3 @ 4 * 2@9 # 2@8.






Answer: 3. 35

60. A number reduced by 25% becomes 225. What percent should it be increased so that it becomes 390?






Answer: 1. 30%

2 Answers

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by (15.2k points)

61. When 15 is included in a list of natural numbers, their mean is increased by 2. When 1 is included in the new list, the mean of the numbers in the new list is decreased by 1. How many numbers were there in the original list?






Answer: (4) 4

62. A box contains 20 articles, out of which 4 are defective. Two articles are drawn at random from this box. The probability that at least one of them is defective is:






Answer: (2) 7/19.

63. A box contains 2 white balls, 3 black balls, and 4 red balls. In how many ways can 3 balls be drawn from the box, if at least one black ball is to be included in the draw?






Answer: (2) 64

64. In a container, there are 28 eggs out of which 8 eggs are rotten. If two eggs are chosen at random, what will be the probability that at least one egg is rotten?






Answer: (1) 94/189

65. In a class of 40 students with roll number 3 to 42, a student is picked up to tell a joke. Find the probability that the roll number of the selected student is either a multiple of 4 or 7.






Answer: (4) 3/8

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by (15.2k points)

66. A man has some hens and cows. If the number of heads is 48 and the number of feet is 140, then the number of hens will be—






Answer: The correct answer is (4) 26.

Solution: Let the number of hens be hhh and the number of cows be ccc.

Total heads equation: h+c=48 (since each animal has one head).

Total feet equation: 2h+4c=140 (hens have 2 feet, cows have 4 feet).

Now, solve the system of equations:

From equation 1: c=48−h

Substitute into equation 2:




Answer: The correct answer is (4) 26.

67. All oranges are bananas. No banana is fruit.


Some bananas are oranges.

No fruit is banana.

All oranges are fruits.

Some fruits are oranges.


Only conclusion (c) and (d) follow

Only conclusion (a) and (b) follow

Only conclusion (a) and (c) follow

None of the above

Answer: 2. The correct answer is (2) Only conclusion (a) and (b) follow.

Solution: Let’s analyze the statements:

Statement 1 says all oranges are bananas. So, this is true for conclusion (a).

Statement 2 says no banana is fruit. This implies that no oranges are fruit either. Therefore, conclusions (b) and (c) are not valid, and conclusion (d) does not follow.

Answer: The correct answer is (2) Only conclusion (a) and (b) follow.

68. Five boys are sitting on a bench near the college auditorium to be photographed after a skit. Shyamlal is to the left of Rajesh and to the right of Bimal. Madhu is to the right of Rajesh. Ritesh is between Rajesh and Madhu. Who is sitting immediate right to Ritesh?






Answer: The correct answer is (1) Madhu.

Solution: From the given statements:

Shyamlal is to the left of Rajesh and to the right of Bimal.

Madhu is to the right of Rajesh.

Ritesh is between Rajesh and Madhu.

The correct order from left to right is Bimal, Shyamlal, Rajesh, Ritesh, Madhu. Hence, the immediate right to Ritesh is Madhu.

Answer: The correct answer is (1) Madhu.

Directions: Read the following passage and each group of four statements given below contains one statement which is most acceptable in the light of the passage and answer the questions 69 to 71.

When I go into a stranger’s library I round the bookshelves to learn what sort of a person the stranger is and when he comes in I feel that I know the key to his mind and the range of his interests. A house without books is a characterless house, no matter how rich the Persian rugs only tell you whether he has got money, but the books tell you, whether he has got a mind as well. It is not a question of money that we don’t buy books. I repeat that the books are the cheapest as well as the best part of the equipment of a house. You can begin your ‘library’ with the expenditure of a few dollars. Nearly all the best literature in the world is at your command at two dollars a volume. For 100 dollars you can get a library of fifty books. Even if you don’t read them yourself, they are a priceless investment for your children. What delight is there like the revelation of books for the sudden impact of a master-spirit, the sense of window flung wide open to the universe? It is the adventures of mind; the joy of which does not pass away, that give the adventure of life itself, beauty and fragrance.

69. What do the books tell you about a stranger?

That he is a rich man.

That he believes in the priceless investments.

That he has good mental faculty.

That he motivates others to read books.

Answer: 3. That he has good mental faculty.

70. When one reads a good book, one is delighted because—

One finds the windows of the library opened.

One feels the influence of a great writer.

One knows much about the universe.

One gets all material comforts.

Answer: 2. One feels the influence of a great writer.

71. The word ‘master-spirit’ in the passage means—

A prominent writer.

The spiritual effect of a ‘master.’

One who has control over the spirit of a man.

One who has had too many rugs.

Answer: The correct answer is (1) A prominent writer.

Explanation: The passage describes the profound impact that reading the work of a great writer (a ‘master-spirit’) can have on a reader, enriching their life and perspective.

Directions: Read the following passage and each group of four statements given below contains one statement which is most acceptable in the light of the passage and answer the questions 72 to 75.
