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76. Consider the following statements about Bidriware:

A. Bidriware is 500 years old art that is Persian in origin but Bidriware is purely Indian innovation.
B. Bidriware was developed by Bahamani sultans who ruled Bidar in the 14th-15th AD.
C. Bidriware is a Silver Metal Art called Damascening in silver.
D. Bidriware has Geographical Indication (GI) registry.

Which of the above statements is/are incorrect?

  1. A only
  2. B and C only
  3. C and D only
  4. None of the above

Answer: (4) None of the above


  • A. Correct. Bidriware has Persian influences but is considered a uniquely Indian art form developed in India.
  • B. Correct. Bidriware was indeed developed under the Bahamani sultans in Bidar during the 14th-15th century.
  • C. Correct. Bidriware involves Damascening with silver, a technique where silver is inlaid on a blackened alloy.
  • D. Correct. Bidriware has been granted a Geographical Indication (GI) tag, recognizing its unique origin.

All statements are correct. Therefore, none of the statements is incorrect.

77. In India, we find three main intellectual traditions, viz Nigama tradition, Agama tradition, and Sramana tradition. Consider the following statements:

A. The tradition of Nigama (also known as Veda) believes that the Vedas are either eternal or the teachings of God. But, their authority is challengeable.
B. In the tradition of Agama, the followers have their own scriptures considered as divine revelation taught by God himself to different sages.
C. The Sramana were the monks who led a rigorous life, different Sramanic groups appeared in opposition of the Vedic rituals. The Sramana tradition emphasized on leading a moral life.

Which of the above statements is/are incorrect?

  1. A only
  2. B only
  3. C only
  4. A and B only

Answer: (1) A only


  • A. Incorrect. The Nigama tradition (Vedic tradition) holds the Vedas as authoritative and unchallengeable, as they are considered eternal or divine teachings.
  • B. Correct. The Agama tradition involves scriptures considered as divine revelations from God to sages.
  • C. Correct. The Sramana tradition consists of ascetic monks who led a life of renunciation, often in opposition to Vedic rituals, focusing on morality.

Statement A is incorrect.

78. Consider the following:

Literary WorkAuthor
A. Abhijnana ShakuntalamKalidasa
B. YogasutraVyasa
C. Natya ShastraBharatamuni
D. PanchatantraPatanjali

Which of the above is/are correctly matched?

  1. (a) only
  2. (a) and (c)
  3. (c) and (d)
  4. (b), (c) and (d)

Answer: (2) (a) and (c)


  • A. Abhijnana Shakuntalam – Kalidasa (Correct)
  • B. Yogasutra – Vyasa (Incorrect). The Yogasutras are attributed to Patanjali, not Vyasa.
  • C. Natya Shastra – Bharatamuni (Correct)
  • D. Panchatantra – Patanjali (Incorrect). The Panchatantra is attributed to Vishnu Sharma, not Patanjali.

Correct matches are A and C.

79. Consider the following statements about the Mughal School of Miniature Painting:

A. The peak of Mughal miniature painting was achieved during the reign of Akbar, blending Persian and Indian styles with Hindu and Jain aesthetics.
B. Akbar invited two Persian painters, Mir Sayyid Ali and Abd us Samad to train Indian artists and carry out royal paintings.
C. The 'Muraqqas' (individual paintings to be mounted in albums) became popular under Jahangir's patronage.
D. 'Madonna and Child' done in opaque watercolor on paper is an important early work of the Mughal School of Painting.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

  1. B, C, and D
  2. A, B, and C
  3. A, C, and D
  4. A, B, and D

Answer: (1) B, C, and D


  • A. Incorrect. The Mughal miniature painting reached its peak under Jahangir and Shah Jahan, not Akbar, although Akbar did lay the foundation.
  • B. Correct. Akbar indeed invited Persian painters Mir Sayyid Ali and Abd us Samad to India to train local artists.
  • C. Correct. The practice of mounting individual paintings in albums (Muraqqas) became popular during Jahangir's reign.
  • D. Correct. The painting "Madonna and Child" is an early work attributed to the Mughal School of Painting.

Statements B, C, and D are correct.

80. Which of the following are part of the five great vows in Jainism?

A. Asteya
B. Brahmacharya
C. Samyika
D. Aparigraha
E. Kayotsarga

Which of the following statements is/are correct?

  1. A, B, and D
  2. B, C, and E
  3. A, C, and E
  4. A, B, and C

Answer: (1) A, B, and D


  • A. Asteya (Non-stealing) is one of the five great vows.
  • B. Brahmacharya (Celibacy or chastity) is also one of the five great vows.
  • C. Samyika (Equanimity) is a practice in Jainism but not one of the five great vows.
  • D. Aparigraha (Non-possessiveness) is one of the five great vows.
  • E. Kayotsarga (Meditation in standing posture) is a spiritual practice, not a vow.

Correct statements are A, B, and D.

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2 Answers

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81. Consider the following pairs:

Temples/ElementsUniqueness related to temples
A. Modhera TempleTemples dedicated to Sun God
B. Balaji Temple, UnaoMartand Temple, Anantnag
C. Sun Temple, KonarkTemples feature erotic sculptures
D. Ranakpur Sathyamurthi Perumal TempleElements like Shikhara, Amalaka, Adhisthana contributing to distinctive appearance of Nagara architecture

How many of the above pairs is/are correctly matched?

  1. (a) only
  2. (b) only
  3. (a), (b), and (c)
  4. None of the above

Answer: (3) (a), (b), and (c)


  • A. Modhera TempleCorrect. It is dedicated to the Sun God.
  • B. Balaji Temple, Unao and Martand Temple, Anantnag are both dedicated to the Sun God. Correct.
  • C. Sun Temple, KonarkCorrect. The temple is known for its erotic sculptures.
  • D. Ranakpur Sathyamurthi Perumal TempleIncorrect. This option is not specific and does not match the known elements related to Nagara architecture.

Pairs A, B, and C are correctly matched.

82. Consider the following statements and identify the correct statements:

A. Kavirajamarga was the first poetic work in Kannada literature.
B. It was written during the period of Rashtrakutas.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

  1. A only
  2. B only
  3. Both A and B
  4. Neither A nor B

Answer: (3) Both A and B


  • A. Correct. Kavirajamarga is considered the first poetic work in Kannada literature.
  • B. Correct. It was written during the period of the Rashtrakutas by King Amoghavarsha I.

Both statements A and B are correct.

83. Which of the following statements is correct about Yali?

  1. The dance, which originated in the State of Manipur, is associated with many rituals and traditional festivals.
  2. The style of temple architecture that became popular in parts of Kashmir.
  3. Is a Hindu mythological creature, sculpted on pillars and pilasters across temples in South Asia.
  4. Is a form of traditional sari weaving process in Madhya Pradesh.

Answer: (3) Is a Hindu mythological creature, sculpted on pillars and pilasters across temples in South Asia.


  • Yali is a Hindu mythological creature, often depicted as part lion, part elephant, and part horse. It is commonly found sculpted on pillars and walls in South Indian temples.

The correct statement is option 3.

84. With reference to Buddhist Bodhisattva, who among the following is Bodhisattva of wisdom?

  1. Manjusri
  2. Avalokitesvara
  3. Maitreya
  4. Vajrapani

Answer: (1) Manjusri


  • Manjusri is recognized as the Bodhisattva of Wisdom in Mahayana Buddhism, representing wisdom and insight.

The correct answer is Manjusri (1).

85. Consider the following statements about National Family Health Survey 5 (NFHS-5):

A. Karnataka has seen a decrease in the total fertility rate compared to NFHS 4.
B. Sex ratio at birth for children born in the last five years has increased for Karnataka.
C. In Karnataka, nearly 30% of men and women (between 15-49 years of age) are overweight or obese.
D. In Karnataka, the proportion of men who have used the internet was higher than women.

Which of the statements is/are correct?

  1. Only one statement is correct
  2. Only two statements are correct
  3. Only three statements are correct
  4. All four statements are correct

Answer: (4) All four statements are correct


  • A. Correct. NFHS-5 reported a decline in fertility rates in many states, including Karnataka.
  • B. Correct. The sex ratio at birth has shown improvement in Karnataka as per NFHS-5.
  • C. Correct. NFHS-5 data highlights an increasing trend in overweight and obesity among both men and women in the state.
  • D. Correct. There is a higher proportion of men using the internet compared to women in Karnataka as per NFHS-5.

All four statements are correct.

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86. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using codes given below this list:

List-I (Mahajanapada)List-II (Capital)
A. Chedii. Suktamati
B. Matsyaii. Bairat
C. Kambojaiii. Rajapura
D. Assakaiv. Potali


  1. A - (ii), B - (iii), C - (i), D - (iv)
  2. A - (i), B - (ii), C - (iii), D - (iv)
  3. A - (iii), B - (ii), C - (i), D - (iv)
  4. A - (i), B - (ii), C - (iv), D - (iii)

Answer: (2) A - (i), B - (ii), C - (iii), D - (iv)


  • A. Chedi – Suktamati (i)
  • B. Matsya – Bairat (ii)
  • C. Kamboja – Rajapura (iii)
  • D. Assaka – Potali (iv)

The correct match is option (2).

87. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using codes given below this list:

List-I (Author)List-II (Book)
A. Sandhyakar Nandii. Vikramankadeva Charita
B. Bilhanaii. Ramacharita
C. Hemchandraiii. Prithviraj Raso
D. Chand Bardaiiv. Kumarapala Charita


  1. A - (ii), B - (iii), C - (iv), D - (i)
  2. A - (iv), B - (i), C - (ii), D - (iii)
  3. A - (ii), B - (i), C - (iv), D - (iii)
  4. A - (iii), B - (ii), C - (i), D - (iv)

Answer: (3) A - (ii), B - (i), C - (iv), D - (iii)


  • A. Sandhyakar Nandi – Ramacharita (ii)
  • B. Bilhana – Vikramankadeva Charita (i)
  • C. Hemchandra – Kumarapala Charita (iv)
  • D. Chand Bardai – Prithviraj Raso (iii)

The correct match is option (3).

88. Which one of the following inscriptions of Ashoka has been engraved in both Greek and Aramaic scripts?

  1. Mansehra
  2. Shahbazgarhi
  3. Junagadh
  4. Kandahar

Answer: (4) Kandahar


  • The Kandahar inscription is unique as it is engraved in both Greek and Aramaic scripts. It was found in Kandahar, Afghanistan.

The correct answer is Kandahar (4).

89. Consider the following statements:

A. King Kharavela recovered the idol of the first Jaina Tirthankara, which the Nanda Raja had taken away from Kalinga.
B. Bhadrabahu, the author of Kalpa Sutra, was the sixth Tirthankara after Mahavira.
C. During the sixth century A.D., a Jain Council was held at Valabhi, presided over by Sthulabhadra.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

  1. A and B only
  2. B and C only
  3. A and C only
  4. A, B, and C

Answer: (3) A and C only


  • A. Correct. King Kharavela of Kalinga recovered the idol of the first Jaina Tirthankara from Magadha, which had been taken away by the Nanda dynasty.
  • B. Incorrect. Bhadrabahu was not a Tirthankara; he was a Jain monk and author of several important texts, including the Kalpa Sutra.
  • C. Correct. The Jain Council held at Valabhi in the sixth century A.D. was presided over by Sthulabhadra.

Statements A and C are correct.

90. Which of the modern historians is said to have remarked the following about Kabir: "The mission of Kabir was to preach a religion of love which would unite all castes and creeds. He made a powerful appeal to the Hindus and Muslims who accepted the gospel of love as the best method for the spiritual welfare of the soul."

  1. Peter Jackson
  2. Tara Chand
  3. Jadunath Sarkar
  4. Mohammad Habib

Answer: (2) Tara Chand


  • Tara Chand is credited with this observation about Kabir's mission, emphasizing his focus on a unifying message of love that transcended religious and caste divisions.

The correct answer is Tara Chand (2).
