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46. The great annual migration of two million ungulates and wild beasts happens between Serengeti and Maasai Mara National Parks. These parks are located in:

  1. Rwanda and Congo
  2. Tanzania and Kenya
  3. Ethiopia and Sudan
  4. Zaire and South Africa

Answer: (2) Tanzania and Kenya


  • The famous migration of wildebeest and other animals occurs between the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania and the Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya.

47. Which of the following pairs of country and river is correctly matched?

A. Mahaweli Ganga (Great Sand River)Thailand
B. Chao PhrayaMyanmar
C. IrrawaddyVietnam
D. MekongSri Lanka

Choose the most appropriate option:

  1. A only
  2. B and C only
  3. D only
  4. None of the above

Answer: (4) None of the above


  • A. Mahaweli Ganga is in Sri Lanka, not Thailand.
  • B. Chao Phraya is in Thailand, not Myanmar.
  • C. Irrawaddy is in Myanmar, not Vietnam.
  • D. Mekong flows through several countries, including Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and Thailand, but not Sri Lanka.

None of the options are correctly matched.

48. Which of the following sentences is/are not true about Leveche and Gharbi?

A. It is cold wind blowing down from Rhone valley in North-South direction.
B. It is dry dusty and hot wind from Sahara Desert towards the Mediterranean Sea.
C. Chill and Sirocco are similar wind.
D. Grecale and Bora are smaller types of wind.

Choose the most appropriate option:

  1. A only
  2. B only
  3. A and D only
  4. B and C only

Answer: (1) A only


  • A. Not true. Leveche and Gharbi are warm winds, not cold. They blow from the Sahara Desert, not from the Rhone valley in a North-South direction.
  • B. True. This statement is correct about these winds.
  • C. True. Chill and Sirocco are similar types of winds.
  • D. True. Grecale and Bora are indeed types of winds.

Statement A is not true.

49. Which of the following statements is/are true regarding Sudan type of climate zone?

A. The climate zone has vast agriculture potential for cotton, cane sugar, coffee, oil palm, groundnuts etc.
B. The climate zone experiences seasonal droughts and flashfloods.
C. It sustains agriculture with 'bush veld'.
D. Hausa tribe are settled cultivators from Bauchi Plateau.

Choose the most appropriate option:

  1. A only
  2. B and C only
  3. A and D only
  4. A, B, C, and D

Answer: (4) A, B, C, and D


  • A. True. The Sudan climate zone is indeed agriculturally rich and supports crops like cotton, sugar cane, and groundnuts.
  • B. True. The zone is prone to seasonal droughts and flashfloods.
  • C. True. Bushveld vegetation is typical in this climate, supporting both agriculture and livestock.
  • D. True. The Hausa tribe, particularly in Nigeria, are settled agriculturalists in the Bauchi Plateau.

All statements A, B, C, and D are true.

50. Which of the following minerals and mineral producing countries is/are incorrectly matched in terms of maximum production?

A. Nickel : USA
B. Silver : Mexico
C. Gold : China
D. Iron ore : India

Choose the most appropriate option:

  1. A only
  2. B and D only
  3. A, B, and C only
  4. A and D only

Answer: (4) A and D only


  • A. Nickel : USA is incorrectly matched. Indonesia and Russia are among the largest producers of Nickel, not the USA.
  • B. Silver : Mexico is correctly matched as Mexico is the largest producer of silver.
  • C. Gold : China is correctly matched as China is the largest producer of gold.
  • D. Iron ore : India is incorrectly matched. Australia and Brazil are the largest producers of iron ore, not India.

Statements A and D are incorrectly matched.

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51. Which of the following statements are true?

A. Ross Sea and Weddell Sea are part of Antarctic region.
B. Ross Sea and Weddell Sea are part of Arctic region.
C. Lincoln Sea is part of Arctic region.
D. Bellingshausen Sea is part of Antarctic region.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

  1. B only
  2. A and B only
  3. B and C only
  4. A, C, and D only

Answer: (4) A, C, and D only


  • A. True. Ross Sea and Weddell Sea are located in the Antarctic region.
  • B. False. Ross Sea and Weddell Sea are not part of the Arctic region; they are part of the Antarctic region.
  • C. True. Lincoln Sea is part of the Arctic region.
  • D. True. Bellingshausen Sea is located in the Antarctic region.

Statements A, C, and D are true.

52. Which of the following statements are correct with reference to earthquakes?

A. All natural earthquakes take place in lithosphere which refers to earth crust and depth up to 1000 km from the surface of the earth.
B. Secondary seismic waves (S waves) help in studying the interior of the earth because of its property to travel only through solid materials.
C. Surface waves are more destructive than body waves.
D. Earthquake’s magnitude scale is known as Richter scale and earthquake intensity is known as Mercalli scale.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

  1. Only one statement is correct
  2. Only two statements are correct
  3. Only three statements are correct
  4. All the statements are correct

Answer: (3) Only three statements are correct


  • A. False. The lithosphere typically extends to about 100 km in depth. Most natural earthquakes occur within the lithosphere, but they do not typically extend to depths of 1000 km.
  • B. True. Secondary (S) waves can only travel through solid materials, and this property helps in understanding the interior structure of the Earth.
  • C. True. Surface waves are indeed more destructive than body waves because they travel along the Earth's surface and cause the most intense ground shaking.
  • D. True. The Richter scale measures the magnitude of earthquakes, while the Mercalli scale measures the intensity based on observed effects.

Statements B, C, and D are correct.

53. Which of the following Passes are located in middle Himalayas/lesser Himalayas?

A. Banihal Pass
B. Pir Panjal Pass
C. Sinthan Pass
D. Rohtang Pass
E. Golabghar pass

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

  1. Only one statement is correct
  2. Only two statements are correct
  3. Only three statements are correct
  4. All the statements are correct

Answer: (4) All the statements are correct


  • A. Banihal Pass is located in the Pir Panjal range, part of the Middle Himalayas.
  • B. Pir Panjal Pass is also located in the Pir Panjal range, Middle Himalayas.
  • C. Sinthan Pass connects Jammu and Kashmir with the Kishtwar Valley and lies in the Middle Himalayas.
  • D. Rohtang Pass is located in the Pir Panjal range, part of the Middle Himalayas.
  • E. Golabghar Pass is also part of the Middle Himalayas.

All the statements are correct.

54. Identify the correct statement/statements:

A. India is divided into ten biogeographic zones and 36 biotic Provinces.
B. In terms of area, Sundarbans Biosphere Reserve has maximum area.
C. Great pied hornbill and slender loris are important fauna found in Agasthyamalai Biosphere Reserve.
D. Shape of back portion of Indian elephant is convex in shape whereas in African elephant it is concave in shape.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

  1. Only one statement is correct
  2. Only two statements are correct
  3. Only three statements are correct
  4. All the statements are correct

Answer: (3) Only three statements are correct


  • A. Correct. India is divided into ten biogeographic zones and 36 biotic provinces.
  • B. Incorrect. The largest biosphere reserve in terms of area is the Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve, not Sundarbans.
  • C. Correct. Great pied hornbill and slender loris are indeed important fauna in the Agasthyamalai Biosphere Reserve.
  • D. Correct. The back portion of the Indian elephant is convex, while in African elephants, it is more concave.

Statements A, C, and D are correct.

55. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the options given below:

List-I (Minerals/Resource)List-II (Mining/Producing site)
A. Iron Orei. Panna District
B. Diamondii. Jharia
C. Coaliii. Bababudan Hills
D. Geothermaliv. Puga Valley

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

  1. A - (iii), B - (i), C - (ii), D - (iv)
  2. A - (ii), B - (iv), C - (iii), D - (i)
  3. A - (iv), B - (ii), C - (i), D - (iii)
  4. A - (i), B - (ii), C - (iii), D - (iv)

Answer: (1) A - (iii), B - (i), C - (ii), D - (iv)


  • A. Iron Ore – Bababudan Hills (iii)
  • B. Diamond – Panna District (i)
  • C. Coal – Jharia (ii)
  • D. Geothermal – Puga Valley (iv)

Correct matching is A - (iii), B - (i), C - (ii), D - (iv).

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56. Which of the following statements is not correct?

  1. Non-metallic minerals are either inorganic or organic in nature.
  2. Andhra Pradesh has rich deposits of monazite and thorium.
  3. Major manganese mines in Odisha are Koraput, Bonai, and Bolangir.
  4. Nellore district produces best quality Mica.

Answer: (3) Major manganese mines in Odisha are Koraput, Bonai, and Bolangir.


  • 1. Correct. Non-metallic minerals can be inorganic or organic.
  • 2. Correct. Andhra Pradesh does have rich deposits of monazite and thorium.
  • 3. Incorrect. The major manganese mines are located in districts like Keonjhar and Sundergarh in Odisha, not Koraput, Bonai, and Bolangir.
  • 4. Correct. Nellore district in Andhra Pradesh is known for producing high-quality mica.

Statement 3 is incorrect.

57. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the options given below:

List-I (Forest Type)List-II (Major Trees)
A. Tropical Evergreeni. Neem
B. Semi Evergreenii. Cedar
C. Tropical Deciduousiii. Rosewood
D. Coniferousiv. Deodar

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

  1. A - (i), B - (iii), C - (ii), D - (iv)
  2. A - (iii), B - (iv), C - (i), D - (ii)
  3. A - (iv), B - (ii), C - (iii), D - (i)
  4. A - (iii), B - (ii), C - (iv), D - (i)

Answer: (2) A - (iii), B - (iv), C - (i), D - (ii)


  • A. Tropical Evergreen – Rosewood (iii)
  • B. Semi Evergreen – Deodar (iv)
  • C. Tropical Deciduous – Neem (i)
  • D. Coniferous – Cedar (ii)

Correct matching is A - (iii), B - (iv), C - (i), D - (ii).

58. Which of the following statements is not true for the Narmada river?

  1. Narmada river rises in Amarkantak hills and flows eastward.
  2. Narmada flows through a deep gorge near Jabalpur.
  3. Narmada river basin is spread over Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat.
  4. The tributaries of Narmada are short and most join the main stream at almost right angles.

Answer: (1) Narmada river rises in Amarkantak hills and flows eastward.


  • 1. Not true. The Narmada river rises in the Amarkantak hills but flows westward towards the Arabian Sea.
  • 2. True. The Narmada does indeed flow through a deep gorge near Jabalpur.
  • 3. True. The Narmada river basin primarily spans Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat.
  • 4. True. The tributaries of the Narmada are generally short and join the river at almost right angles.

Statement 1 is not true.

59. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the options given below:

List-I (Mountain Chain)List-II (Important Ranges)
A. Shiwaliksi. Pir Panjal and Dhauladhar
B. Lesser Himalayasii. Mahabharat and Dakka
C. Greater Himalayasiii. Dafla and Miri
D. Trans Himalayasiv. Karakoram and Kailas

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

  1. A - (ii), B - (i), C - (iv), D - (iii)
  2. A - (iii), B - (ii), C - (i), D - (iv)
  3. A - (ii), B - (iv), C - (iii), D - (i)
  4. A - (iv), B - (iii), C - (ii), D - (i)

Answer: (1) A - (ii), B - (i), C - (iv), D - (iii)


  • A. Shiwaliks – Mahabharat and Dakka (ii)
  • B. Lesser Himalayas – Pir Panjal and Dhauladhar (i)
  • C. Greater Himalayas – Karakoram and Kailas (iv)
  • D. Trans Himalayas – Dafla and Miri (iii)

Correct matching is A - (ii), B - (i), C - (iv), D - (iii).

60. Which of the following statements is/are correct with reference to the geology of Karnataka?

A. Karnataka is one of the five major Archean cratons of the Indian shield.
B. The Dharwar craton extends beyond the geographical boundary of Karnataka.
C. The Closepet Granite demarcates the boundary between western and eastern Dharwar craton.
D. Kaladgi basin belongs to Proterozoic sedimentary formation category.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

  1. Only one statement is correct
  2. Only two statements are correct
  3. Only three statements are correct
  4. All the statements are correct

Answer: (4) All the statements are correct


  • A. Correct. Karnataka is indeed one of the five major Archean cratons of the Indian shield.
  • B. Correct. The Dharwar craton does extend beyond the geographical boundary of Karnataka.
  • C. Correct. The Closepet Granite is an important geological feature that demarcates the boundary between the western and eastern Dharwar cratons.
  • D. Correct. The Kaladgi basin is part of the Proterozoic sedimentary formations.

All the statements are correct.
