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in Mains Old Question Papers by (7.7k points)

Rampura, a remote district inhabited by a tribal population, is marked by extreme backwardness and abject poverty. Agriculture is the mainstay of the local population, though it is primarily subsistence due to the very small landholdings. There is an insignificant industrial or mining activity. Even the targeted welfare programs have inadequately benefited the tribal population. In this restrictive scenario, the youth has begun to migrate to other states to supplement the family income. The plight of minor girls is that their parents are persuaded by labour contractors to send them to work in the Bt Cotton farms of a nearby state. The soft fingers of the minor girls are well suited for plucking the cotton. The inadequate living and working conditions in these farms have caused serious health issues for the minor girls. NGOs in the districts of domicile and the cotton farms appear to be compromised and have not effectively espoused the twin issues of child labour and development of the area.

You are appointed as the District Collector of Rampura. Identify the ethical issues involved. Which specific steps will you initiate to ameliorate the conditions of minor girls of your district and to improve the overall economic scenario in the district?

1 Answer

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by (7.7k points)

As the District Collector of Rampura, I have a responsibility to address the pressing issues of child labor and economic underdevelopment in the district. This situation involves several ethical issues that need to be tackled with strategic interventions and long-term planning. Here’s an analysis of the ethical issues and a plan of action to improve the conditions of the minor girls and the overall economic scenario in Rampura:

Ethical Issues Involved

  1. Child Labor:

    • Exploitation: The use of minor girls as laborers in Bt Cotton farms represents exploitation and violation of child rights. It deprives them of education, health, and a safe environment.
    • Health and Safety: The inadequate living and working conditions in cotton farms pose serious health risks, violating ethical standards for child welfare and safety.
  2. Neglect of Welfare Programs:

    • Inadequate Implementation: The failure of targeted welfare programs to reach the tribal population indicates negligence and lack of accountability in public service delivery.
    • Social Injustice: The marginalization of tribal communities and neglect of their needs reflect systemic social injustice and inequality.
  3. Compromise of NGOs:

    • Breach of Trust: The compromised role of NGOs, which are supposed to advocate for vulnerable populations, represents a breach of trust and ethical responsibility.
  4. Migration and Displacement:

    • Family Separation: Migration of youth to other states disrupts family structures and affects the social fabric of the community.
    • Economic Disparity: The economic disparity and lack of opportunities in Rampura drive migration, highlighting the need for sustainable development.

Steps to Ameliorate Conditions and Improve Economic Scenario

  1. Addressing Child Labor:

    • Rescue and Rehabilitation: Initiate rescue operations to bring back minor girls from cotton farms, in collaboration with law enforcement and child welfare organizations. Provide rehabilitation and counseling services to support their recovery.
    • Awareness Campaigns: Launch awareness campaigns in the district to educate parents about the rights of children and the long-term benefits of education over child labor.
  2. Strengthening Education:

    • School Enrollment Drives: Conduct enrollment drives to ensure that all children, especially girls, are enrolled in school. Collaborate with local schools to provide scholarships and incentives to encourage attendance.
    • Quality Education: Improve the quality of education by training teachers, providing adequate learning materials, and ensuring a safe and conducive learning environment.
  3. Enhancing Health Services:

    • Health Camps: Organize health camps to provide medical check-ups and treatment for children affected by poor working conditions. Ensure access to healthcare facilities in remote areas.
    • Nutrition Programs: Implement nutrition programs to address malnutrition among children and improve their overall health and well-being.
  4. Promoting Economic Development:

    • Skill Development: Introduce skill development programs to enhance the employability of youth and reduce migration. Focus on vocational training in areas such as agriculture, handicrafts, and small-scale industries.
    • Agricultural Support: Provide support to farmers by introducing modern agricultural techniques, improving access to credit, and facilitating market linkages to enhance productivity and income.
  5. Empowering Women and Girls:

    • Women’s Cooperatives: Encourage the formation of women’s cooperatives to promote entrepreneurship and self-employment among women. Provide training and financial support to start small businesses.
    • Legal Aid and Support: Establish legal aid centers to support women and children in asserting their rights and accessing justice.
  6. Improving Governance and Accountability:

    • Monitoring and Evaluation: Strengthen the monitoring and evaluation of welfare programs to ensure effective implementation and accountability. Set up feedback mechanisms to gather input from beneficiaries and address grievances.
    • Revitalizing NGOs: Collaborate with credible NGOs and civil society organizations to enhance their role in advocacy and service delivery. Conduct regular audits to ensure transparency and accountability.


As the District Collector of Rampura, my focus will be on addressing the root causes of child labor and economic underdevelopment through a multi-pronged approach that emphasizes education, health, economic empowerment, and good governance. By fostering a collaborative environment with stakeholders, including government agencies, NGOs, and the community, we can work towards creating a sustainable and equitable future for the people of Rampura. Through these efforts, we aim to uplift the living conditions and prospects of the minor girls and the entire district, ensuring a just and inclusive society.
