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in Mains Old Question Papers by (5.2k points)

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by (5.2k points)

Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committees (DRPSCs) in India play a crucial role in scrutinizing government policies, budgets, and administration. They serve as a bridge between the executive and the legislature, facilitating detailed examination of government functioning and ensuring accountability. Here is an evaluation of how these committees work to keep the administration accountable and inspire respect for parliamentary control, along with examples to illustrate their impact:

Role and Functioning of Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committees

  1. Detailed Scrutiny and Oversight

    • Examination of Bills:

      • DRPSCs examine bills referred to them, allowing for in-depth discussion and consideration of the legislative proposals. This process ensures that legislation is well-considered before being debated in Parliament.
      • Example: The Committee on Finance extensively scrutinized the Goods and Services Tax (GST) Bill, suggesting amendments and improvements to enhance its effectiveness.
    • Budget Analysis:

      • These committees analyze budgetary allocations and expenditures of various ministries and departments, assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of public spending.
      • Example: The Committee on Railways examines the budget proposals of the Ministry of Railways, ensuring funds are allocated appropriately and used efficiently for the development of rail infrastructure.
  2. Policy Evaluation

    • Review of Policies and Programs:

      • DRPSCs review the implementation of government policies and programs, identifying areas of concern and recommending improvements.
      • Example: The Committee on Human Resource Development has evaluated policies related to education, recommending reforms to improve the quality and accessibility of education in India.
    • Stakeholder Engagement:

      • Committees engage with stakeholders, including experts, civil society, and industry representatives, to gather diverse perspectives and insights on policy issues.
      • Example: The Committee on Information Technology regularly consults with industry experts to assess the impact of technology policies and address concerns related to data privacy and cybersecurity.
  3. Accountability and Transparency

    • Holding the Executive Accountable:

      • By questioning officials and demanding explanations for policy decisions and implementation challenges, DRPSCs hold the executive accountable for its actions.
      • Example: The Committee on Public Accounts reviews audit reports from the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) to hold ministries accountable for financial irregularities and inefficiencies.
    • Public Reports and Recommendations:

      • The committees publish reports on their findings, which are presented to Parliament and made public. These reports often include recommendations for policy changes and administrative improvements.
      • Example: The Committee on Agriculture’s report on agrarian distress provided critical insights into farmers' challenges and recommended measures for improving agricultural productivity and farmer welfare.

Impact on Administration and Parliamentary Control

  1. Enhanced Legislative Process:

    • DRPSCs contribute to a more informed and robust legislative process by enabling detailed examination and discussion of bills and policies. This ensures that laws are well-crafted and responsive to public needs.
  2. Improved Policy Formulation:

    • Through their evaluations and recommendations, committees influence policy formulation, helping the government to refine its strategies and address implementation challenges effectively.
  3. Increased Accountability:

    • The work of DRPSCs enhances transparency and accountability in governance by scrutinizing executive actions and expenditures. This scrutiny ensures that government programs are implemented efficiently and effectively.
  4. Promotion of Informed Debate:

    • By providing detailed reports and analyses, these committees contribute to more informed debates in Parliament, facilitating a deeper understanding of complex issues among MPs.
  5. Checks and Balances:

    • The committees act as a check on executive power, ensuring that government actions align with constitutional and legislative mandates, thereby reinforcing the principle of parliamentary supremacy.

Challenges and Limitations

  1. Non-Binding Recommendations:

    • The recommendations made by DRPSCs are not binding on the government, which can limit their impact if the executive chooses not to implement them.
  2. Resource Constraints:

    • Committees may face limitations in terms of resources and expertise, affecting their ability to conduct comprehensive reviews and analyses.
  3. Political Dynamics:

    • Partisan politics can sometimes influence the functioning of committees, affecting the objectivity and effectiveness of their oversight.


Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committees play a vital role in ensuring accountability and enhancing the quality of governance in India. Through their detailed scrutiny of bills, policies, and budgets, they keep the administration on its toes and inspire reverence for parliamentary control. While challenges exist, the committees are instrumental in promoting transparency, accountability, and informed decision-making within the legislative framework. Strengthening these committees further, by enhancing their resources and ensuring greater responsiveness from the executive, can improve their effectiveness in holding the government accountable and contributing to the democratic process.
