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in Mains Old Question Papers by (15.2k points)

1 Answer

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by (15.2k points)

I agree with the view that hatred is destructive to a person’s wisdom and conscience and can poison a nation’s spirit. Hatred is a powerful and negative emotion that can have profound and far-reaching effects on individuals and societies. Here are several reasons why hatred is so destructive, along with justifications for this perspective:

Impact on Individuals

Clouding of Judgment

Hatred can cloud a person’s judgment, leading to irrational and impulsive decisions. When consumed by hatred, individuals may lose the ability to think critically and objectively.

Justification: For instance, hatred toward a particular group can lead to biased decisions that overlook facts and evidence, resulting in unfair treatment or discrimination.

Erosion of Conscience

Hatred can erode a person’s moral compass and empathy, leading to actions that harm others without regard for ethical considerations.

Justification: Historical events, such as acts of genocide or violence fueled by hatred, illustrate how individuals can commit atrocities when their conscience is overshadowed by animosity.

Personal Destruction

Hatred is emotionally draining and can lead to stress, anxiety, and physical health problems. It consumes mental energy that could be directed toward constructive and positive pursuits.

Justification: Individuals harboring long-term hatred often experience deterioration in mental health and interpersonal relationships, affecting their overall well-being.

Impact on Society

Social Division

Hatred fosters division and animosity between different groups within society, leading to conflicts and social unrest.

Justification: Hatred can manifest in forms of racism, xenophobia, or religious intolerance, resulting in societal polarization and breakdown of social cohesion.

Hindrance to Progress

A society consumed by hatred is less likely to collaborate and work toward common goals, stalling progress and innovation.

Justification: When groups within a nation are in conflict due to hatred, resources are diverted to addressing these conflicts rather than fostering economic development and social welfare.

Poisoning the Nation’s Spirit

Hatred can create a pervasive atmosphere of fear, mistrust, and hostility, undermining the collective spirit and values of a nation.

Justification: Societies characterized by widespread hatred often struggle with instability, violence, and a lack of unity, as seen in nations plagued by ethnic or sectarian violence.

Historical and Contemporary Examples

Holocaust and Genocides: The Holocaust and other genocides, such as those in Rwanda and Bosnia, demonstrate how hatred can lead to unimaginable atrocities, fueled by dehumanization and lack of conscience.

Civil Rights Movements: In contrast, the civil rights movements(LIKE American Civil Rights Movement) show the power of love and understanding in overcoming hatred and fostering progress and equality.

Modern-Day Polarization: Current global issues, including racial tensions and political polarization, highlight how hatred can still poison the social fabric, necessitating efforts to promote tolerance and understanding.


Hatred is indeed destructive to both individuals and societies. It erodes wisdom and conscience, leading to irrational actions and moral decline. On a larger scale, it poisons the spirit of nations by fostering division, hindering progress, and creating a hostile environment. To counteract hatred, it is essential to promote empathy, dialogue, and understanding, building bridges between communities and nurturing a culture of compassion and cooperation. Embracing these values can help individuals and societies thrive, overcoming the destructive power of hatred.
