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in Mains Old Question Papers by (15.2k points)

Land needed for mining, dams and other large-scale projects is acquired mostly from Adivasis, hill dwellers and rural communities. The displaced persons are paid monetary compensation as per the legal provisions. However, the payment is often tardy. In any case, it cannot sustain the displaced families for long. These people do not possess marketable skills to engage in some other accusations. They end up as low paid migrant laborers. Moreover, their development goes to industries, industrialists and urban communities whereas the costs are passed on to these poor helpless people. This unjust distribution of costs and benefits is unethical. Suppose you have been entrusted with the task of drafting a better compensation-cum-rehabilitation policy for such displaced persons, how would you approach the problem and what would be the main elements of your suggested policy?

1 Answer

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by (15.2k points)

Drafting a comprehensive compensation-cum-rehabilitation policy for displaced persons due to large-scale projects requires a balanced approach that addresses the immediate needs and long-term welfare of affected communities. Here's how I would approach the problem and the main elements of the suggested policy:

Approach to the Problem

  1. Community Engagement and Participation

    • Consultation: Engage with affected communities to understand their needs, preferences, and concerns. This can be achieved through community meetings, focus groups, and participatory workshops.
    • Inclusion in Decision-Making: Ensure that representatives from the affected communities are included in decision-making processes regarding compensation and rehabilitation.
  2. Holistic Assessment

    • Socio-Economic Impact Assessment: Conduct thorough assessments to evaluate the socio-economic impacts of displacement, including loss of livelihood, cultural heritage, and social networks.
    • Environmental Impact Assessment: Consider the environmental impacts on the communities and plan for sustainable development that minimizes ecological damage.
  3. Equitable Compensation

    • Fair Valuation: Ensure that compensation is based on fair market value and reflects the true worth of land and resources lost by the communities.
    • Timely Disbursement: Implement mechanisms for quick and transparent disbursement of compensation to avoid delays and ensure financial stability for displaced families.
  4. Sustainable Livelihood Opportunities

    • Skill Development Programs: Provide skill training and capacity-building programs to equip displaced persons with marketable skills for alternative employment.
    • Employment Opportunities: Facilitate employment in project-related activities or local industries to ensure sustainable livelihoods.
  5. Long-Term Rehabilitation and Resettlement

    • Housing and Infrastructure: Provide adequate housing and infrastructure in resettlement areas, including access to education, healthcare, and basic amenities.
    • Community Development: Invest in community development projects such as schools, healthcare centers, and community halls to support social and economic well-being.
  6. Cultural and Social Preservation

    • Cultural Sensitivity: Recognize and respect the cultural heritage and social structures of displaced communities in planning and implementation.
    • Social Integration: Facilitate social integration in resettlement areas to maintain community cohesion and cultural identity.

Main Elements of the Suggested Policy

  1. Comprehensive Compensation Package

    • Monetary Compensation: Fair and prompt monetary compensation based on current market value and future potential of the land.
    • Land-for-Land Compensation: Offer alternative land of equal value and quality, where feasible, to sustain agricultural or traditional livelihoods.
  2. Skill Development and Employment Assurance

    • Training Programs: Establish vocational training centers to provide skills relevant to local industries and project needs.
    • Job Quotas: Mandate a certain percentage of jobs in the project and related industries for displaced persons.
  3. Resettlement and Housing

    • Adequate Housing: Construct durable and culturally appropriate housing in resettlement areas with necessary infrastructure.
    • Community Facilities: Develop schools, healthcare centers, and recreational facilities in resettlement sites.
  4. Long-Term Welfare and Development

    • Livelihood Support: Provide financial assistance or subsidies for a transition period until sustainable livelihoods are established.
    • Microfinance and Entrepreneurship: Offer microfinance schemes and support for small businesses and entrepreneurship among displaced communities.
  5. Monitoring and Grievance Redressal

    • Independent Oversight: Establish an independent body to monitor the implementation of the policy and ensure compliance.
    • Grievance Redressal Mechanism: Set up accessible and efficient grievance redressal mechanisms to address concerns and disputes promptly.
  6. Environmental and Social Safeguards

    • Environmental Protection: Implement measures to mitigate environmental impacts and promote sustainable development practices.
    • Social Safeguards: Ensure the protection of social and cultural rights of displaced communities, including the preservation of cultural heritage sites.


The proposed compensation-cum-rehabilitation policy aims to provide fair and equitable support to displaced persons, ensuring their long-term welfare and sustainable development. By focusing on comprehensive compensation, sustainable livelihoods, and community development, the policy seeks to address the unjust distribution of costs and benefits associated with large-scale projects. Engaging with affected communities and ensuring transparency and accountability are crucial to the successful implementation of this policy.
