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in Old Prelims Solved Question Papers by (14.8k points)
  1. Groundnut

  2. Horse-gram

  3. Soybean

How many of the above belong to the pea family?

(a) Only one
(b) Only two
(c) All three
(d) None

1 Answer

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by (14.8k points)


(c) All three


  • Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea): Groundnut, also known as peanut, is a member of the Fabaceae family.

  • Horse-gram (Macrotyloma uniflorum): Horse-gram is a legume and belongs to the Fabaceae family.

  • Soybean (Glycine max): Soybean is also a member of the Fabaceae family.

Since all three plants belong to the pea family, the correct answer is (c) All three.
