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in Old Prelims Solved Question Papers by (14.8k points)
  1. Article 109 mentions special procedure in respect of Money Bills.

  2. A Money Bill shall not be introduced in the Council of States.

  3. The Rajya Sabha can either approve the Bill or suggest changes but cannot reject it.

  4. Amendments to a Money Bill suggested by the Rajya Sabha have to be accepted by the Lok Sabha.

Select the answer using the code given below:

(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1, 2 and 3
(d) 1, 3 and 4

1 Answer

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by (14.8k points)

Answer and Explanation:

The correct answer is (c) 1, 2 and 3

  • Article 109 mentions special procedure in respect of Money Bills: Correct. Article 109 of the Indian Constitution deals with the special procedure in respect of Money Bills.

  • A Money Bill shall not be introduced in the Council of States: Correct. Money Bills can only be introduced in the Lok Sabha (House of the People) and not in the Rajya Sabha (Council of States).

  • The Rajya Sabha can either approve the Bill or suggest changes but cannot reject it: Correct. The Rajya Sabha can make recommendations to a Money Bill, but it cannot reject or amend it on its own. The Lok Sabha may accept or reject the recommendations.

  • Amendments to a Money Bill suggested by the Rajya Sabha have to be accepted by the Lok Sabha: Incorrect. The Lok Sabha is not obligated to accept the amendments suggested by the Rajya Sabha. The Lok Sabha can choose to accept or reject the recommendations made by the Rajya Sabha.

Therefore, statements 1, 2, and 3 are correct, making option (c) the correct answer.
