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The relationship between India and Canada has seen turbulent times recently. Factors contributing to this include allegations from Canada about Indian involvement in a killing, India's accusation of Canada harboring Khalistan supporters, and visa services suspension. Indian diaspora, particularly Punjabis, form a significant part of Canada's immigrant population. However, the IndoCanadian relationship is strained due to political issues like the Khalistan movement and trade disruptions.

Political Tensions

Allegations and CounterAllegations

Last week, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau accused India of involvement in the killing of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, a Canadian citizen and alleged terrorist according to Indian authorities. India vehemently denied the allegations, labeling them as "absurd."


As a countermeasure, India expelled a senior Canadian diplomat after Canada expelled the head of Indian intelligence in the country.

Khalistan Movement

India has accused Canada of providing a safe haven to supporters of the Khalistan movement. The relations have been tumultuous due to Canada's sympathetic approach towards these supporters.


India had declared Nijjar, the head of the Khalistani Tiger Force, a terrorist in 2020, which raised tensions between the two countries.

Impact on Indian Diaspora in Canada

Visa Services Suspended

India's recent suspension of visa services in Canada has caused anxiety among students and families, especially among those belonging to the Punjabi community.


The suspension of visa services has made it difficult for students and other aspirants to travel to Canada, affecting the community psychologically and logistically.

Ethnic Composition

Punjabis form the largest share of Indians in Canada, followed by Tamilians, Gujaratis, and Bengalis. A significant portion of Punjabis in Canada belong to the second or third generation.


According to the 2021 Canadian census, 30% of Punjabis in Canada are second or thirdgeneration Canadians, meaning they were not born outside Canada.

Trade Relations

Decline in Trade Talks

Canada has postponed a trade mission to India and paused talks on a proposed trade treaty.


The trade mission that was scheduled for October has been postponed indefinitely, affecting the trade relations between the two countries.

ImportExport Dependency

Canada has a high dependency on India for medicaments, diamonds, jewelry, and linen products. On the flip side, India imports coal, fertilizers, leguminous vegetables, newsprint, and uranium/thorium ore from Canada.


According to recent data, Canada imported $1.7 billion worth of medicaments from India, but that formed only 4% of Canada's total medicament imports.

The IndoCanadian relationship has multiple layers, affected by both geopolitical issues and the rich cultural exchange between the two countries. This complex relationship is now at a crossroads, affected by diverging political stances and disrupted trade relations.
