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in The Hindu Summary for Competitive Exams by (6.1k points)

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by (6.1k points)

 Increasing Women's Representation in the Indian Police Force


In recent times, India has taken significant strides towards gender equality in its political landscape. The passing of the Constitution (One Hundred and TwentyEighth Amendment) Bill, 2023 is a case in point, aiming for at least 33% of seats in the legislative bodies to be reserved for women. This begs the question of whether similar efforts are being made in other critical areas such as law enforcement. This article delves into the current situation of women's representation in the Indian Police Force and suggests measures to enhance their participation.

 The Constitutional Push for Women in Politics

 Example: The Constitution (One Hundred and TwentyEighth Amendment) Bill, 2023 aims to reserve onethird of total seats in legislative bodies for women, including those reserved for SC and ST.

 Reservation and Actual Availability in Police

 Policy Status

Most states have policies to fill around 30% to 33% of vacant posts in police forces with women through horizontal reservation. 

 Example: According to the Bureau of Police Research & Development (BPR&D), the total strength of the state police forces increased by about 7.48% in the last five years, with women constituting approximately 10.47% as of January 1, 2021.

 Variances Across States

The reservation policies and actual representation vary significantly across different states.

 Example: States like Kerala, Mizoram, and Goa do not have explicit reservation policies, but women’s representation varies between 6% and 11%. In contrast, Bihar has a 35% reservation, but the actual representation is around 17.4%.

 Challenges in Recruitment

Many states lack a permanent police recruitment board, limiting the frequency and efficiency of recruitments.

 Example: Given the current attrition and recruitment rates, it would take nearly 20 years to increase women's representation from 10% to 30% in the police force.

 The Need for More Women in Police

 Crime Data

National Crime Records Bureau data shows that 10% of total crimes were against women, emphasizing the need for a more genderbalanced police force.

 Example: Laws like the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act have expanded the scope of roles that women can play in the police force.

 Societal Representation

Women have proven their capabilities in policing, and a more representative police force would likely gain more societal trust.

 Example: In a democratic society, having a police force that mirrors its demographic makeup can lead to enhanced trust and cooperation from the public.

 Recommendations for Improvement

 Incentives and Reforms

The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has been encouraging states through financial incentives to bring about police reforms.

 Example: The MHA began providing financial incentives from 201819 to states implementing satisfactory police reforms, like merging women police with the regular police.


Basic infrastructure such as separate toilets and crèche facilities are essential for a conducive work environment for women.

 Example: The MHA has a special provision to build separate toilets for women and crèche facilities for children in every police station.

 Special Recruitment Drives

States and Union Territories should launch special recruitment drives to encourage more women to join the police force.

 Example: Following the model of the Constitutional 128th amendment, a special recruitment drive could significantly speed up the rate at which women become a part of the police force.


The political will is apparent in the efforts to include more women in legislative bodies. It's high time that similar efforts are replicated in the police force to make it more representative of the society it serves. With adequate policies, incentives, and infrastructure in place, this can become a reality sooner rather than later.
